What is Horizon

What is Horizon

Horizon is a Community Training Centre committed to improving the lives of young adults who have yet to find their way in life.

We specialise in social and emotional education and are more than just a training centre ­– we are a community providing learning, support and guidance.

Focusing on the education of young people dis-engaged from mainstream education for whatever reason, our learners gain qualifications that not only reveal their competencies and abilities but also develop their confidence and enrich their lives.

Horizon also provides a wide range of short courses for anyone seeking to develop themselves. These courses are ideal for our graduates who, having achieved their primary educational goals, have discovered that lifelong learning is an enjoyable and rewarding pursuit.

Our Community Team consists of learners using the skills they have acquired with us to undertake community projects under our tutors’ supervision, taking their learning and turning it into something meaningful and productive, contributing to the well-being of our entire community.

We do what we can to help our learners find employment. Working with local businesses, we arrange work experience placements in a wide range of industries and trades.

We never forget our learners after they complete their courses and leave. We are a community and once you join Horizon you remain a member of that community. We live by the motto ‘One falls, we all fall’. We extend our involvement with each and every learner, supporting them with advice, guidance and, whenever possible, connecting them with sources of employment or participation in community activities. Our ongoing community projects always require team leaders and managers. Our greatest successes are when we see our graduates reach the place where they themselves are guiding and teaching others.

Everyone who works at Horizon has proven themselves to be someone who believes in what they do, and every day strives to create an exciting and safe learning environment.

It is difficult to fully convey what Horizon is all about in just a few paragraphs. Come and see us, come and talk to us, come and be a part of something that is really making a difference.